About The River

Monday, July 1, 2024

Hi Mom

 Hi Mom

 Our National Guard son just returned from Fort Johnson (formerly Fort Polk) Louisiana. He and his team were there for five weeks. They were taking part in a training exercise with 5,000 other soldiers from across the United States and Canada.

I received the above photo with a simple text ... Hi Mom.

The next time I heard from him ... Hi Mom.. out of the box... 16 days without a shower.. that shower felt great... a lot of bug bites.

I am happy to report Sam and team are back home and all went well. 

As always, thank you for praying for our troops.

God shed His grace on thee. K. Bates


  1. Again thank Sam for his service. It is so appreciated. Glad he is back home again. Janice

  2. Oh I remember how much I loved hearing from my son when he was in the Navy. When they were in the Persian gulf there was no contact!
    It sounds like he is enjoying his service. Cool photo of that jeep. I can’t imagine going 16 days without a shower. It’s amazing he got bug bites being so dirty! There goes that theory!
    Glad he’s back home! I know my son has wonderful memories that he still likes to talk about.

  3. How great they are back home and doing great. Yikes going that long without a shower. The stuff we take for granted. God bless Sam and his team. Hugs and Happy 4th. Kris

  4. I bet it was a special moment getting that little message from Sam....Hi Mom. I'm glad he got home safe and sound, Carla. Sending love and comfort to you, dear friend.


  5. I imagine his shower felt so good to him!! So thankful he is home.

  6. Oh Carla! This brought a tear to my eye. Bless our troops indeed, and God bless and keep your Sam. xoxo

  7. So glad he is home. Wow, 16 days without a shower, along with those bug bites, does not sound good to me. I thank him for his service and will continue to keep him in my prayers.

  8. Bless his heart. 16 days without a shower and I can't imagine how bad those bug bites were for him. Lots of sacrifices! I have certainly learned a new appreciation for our military men and women. My grandson has been in for over 8 years now and wow....none of us truly know the sacrifices that these people make. Not only the service men and women, but their families. Your son was about 3 hours from where I live. My prayers continue everyday for our Country and our Military.

  9. Oh you must be so happy.. and he must be happy to be home as well.

  10. I love to read texts for the boys...hi mom! Always succinct and to the point! Glad he's back home, please thank him for his service!

  11. I can't imagine going 16 days without a shower in the heat and humidity, but it give much appreciation for a good shower. I bet it felt so good to feel clean and refreshed. Those men sure have to endure a lot of hardship in their training. I'm glad he's back home. I'sre you are so proud of him. I still keep him in my prayers for his safety.
    Happy 4th of July to you and youy family.
    Hugs, Julia


High Fives from Wisconsin!