About The River

Monday, July 22, 2024

Camping in June


Hello Friends, it is time to get an update from Ernie our rescue dog. 

Ernie went on his first camp trip in the month of June.

We enjoyed the shores of Lake Superior. 

One week before our camp trip a large storm blew in the area we had our camping reservations. 

I will share the photos of the destruction along the shores.

Thankfully we had lovely weather during our camp trip.



Our campsite.



A little paper wasp nest under the site number sign.


 Looking up from inside our tent.


A week before our trip a heavy rain and wind storm caused  a lot of damage.


If you look up, you will see a grill at a picnic site, the grill is just about to collapse off the edge after the washout.



Lake Superior... my favorite.



Completely, and perfectly, and incandescently, happy.

Jane Austen



  1. Oh wow! That was a lot of destruction! I haven't spent much time that far north...it is beautiful up there, though. Cute message on your calendar. :)

  2. That's a really nice tent. It's great that the damage did not spoil your trip!

  3. Looks so nice even with storm damage. Love the view from your tent. I bet Ernie loved the trip with you. I just did a post on our trip to Michigan on Lake Michigan. Just beautiful all week. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris

  4. Lake Superior looks so pretty, Carla, and peaceful. What a wonderful photo that is. Ernie had his first campout! I hope he enjoyed himself. Sounds like he's doing well. Funny how you noticed the wasp nest, that's pretty cool. We had one similar to that underneath the water hose area. At first I didn't know what it was, until a wasp started buzzing around it. The landscaper carefully took it away. Your dog calendar is so cute. Thanks for sharing some of your camping experience, Carla.


  5. oh my goodness! Lake Superior looks so beautiful! I hope to see it in person one day!

  6. Wow that was a lot of destruction. Glad it didn't spoil your trip and hope Ernie enjoyed it.

  7. They definitely did have some damage. Good thing you were not there that week. The lake looks beautiful. Glad you had a nice time and that Ernie got to go on his first camping trip.

  8. Wow, that's some damage, but the view from your tent is beautiful...so is the lake. What great place for a vacation. I bet Ernie had a ball!

  9. You Michigan people post gorgeous photos of your state that I’d love to vacation there. My former Coastie husband would enjoy the lighthouses etc.

    I used to have cousins that lived in Detroit before leaving for Ohio. This was back in the late 50’s. I had a friend who lived in St Claire Shores. I remember back in 1967, we were back visiting family in Indiana and Ohio and my Dad wanted to visit an old Army buddy in Detroit but we didn’t go because there were race riots. They weren’t letting people in. That was an interesting summer that year - Newark NewJersey had just had a riot a month earlier when we drove through. Awful.

    I’m wanting to do some camping but just too hot. I prefer cooler weather camping so mid to late Fall would be the best time for me!

  10. I know Ernie had a great time! Good for him! There truly was a lot of destruction and it is so sad to see the trees and the dirt slides along the banks. The lake is so pretty and hopefully you all enjoyed a lot of time there. Cute cute calendar.

  11. Wow, they did have a lot of damage, erosion. Hope they're able to replant so they don't continue to have problems. Love the tent. Back in the day when we went camping we had a small tent, wouldn't want to do it that way now. Yours looks roomy. Glad Ernie got his first camping trip in. Nice pictures.

  12. You sure have a good view from your tent! I love it! And how nice to camp with your dog and enjoy nature. Hope the land recovers from the damage!

  13. Sad to see the damage.
    Pleased you had a good trip though, your tent looks very nice and Lake Superior so beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  14. I love that last quote from Jane Austen. It's so good to hear that Ernie had his first camping trip. Did he love it? The destruction caused by the storm is scary. I wouldn't have noticed the grill if you hadn't mentioned it so thank you! wow!!

  15. I'm glad y'all had such a nice time on your trip! Have y'all had lots of flooding rain like us? Several of areas of Birmingham flooded yesterday, including the neighborhood where our church is located. Fortunately, it's on a hill so it didn't get flooded. You have a fancy tent to be able to see the trees and sky like that!

  16. I'm so glad you weren't camping during the storms! That's a really nice tent. I hope Ernie had a good time, hahaha xoxo

  17. Oh my gosh.... So sad to see that destruction, but thankful it didn't happen while you were there. I love how blue the sky is in your photos!


High Fives from Wisconsin!