About The River

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Garden Decorations

My mom has several fun garden decorations. 
I do not really know the story of how these balls got started or why they are cool? My mom had three of them. Over time and summer storms, she is down to one.
My mom does ceramics. She created this fun fella.
She has some fun things in the yard, to have some of the younger generation start asking questions "What on earth is this thing?"!!!
This one makes me smile.
A few from our yard. Atticus made this guy in school.
Do you have any fun garden decorations? Let me know! I always like new ideas.


  1. Yes, I agree. The bear (beaver? whatever) on the swing is cute. I like the rock with all your names on it. We have one of those tree faces that makes me smile every time I see it.

  2. Cute!! Yes, I have a German Shepherd that sits beside my pond garden, thanks to Bobby AND a turtle, Largo, who lies on a rock next to the stream. :-)


High Fives from Wisconsin!