I just realized I have not drove in a month! We have gone out hiking, but each time we head for an explore, my husband drives.
It is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge.
Joyce asks the questions.
We answer the questions.
Thank you Joyce for another fun Hodgepodge. And keeping it all going strong while waiting for the power to come back on.
Below note was from Joyce when she shared the questions with us.
Currently setting this up to post via my phone since we’re without
power, and I can’t link the button. Hopefully by Wednesday my internet
will be back in business.
1. In Monday’s post I mentioned I would incorporate the word I was given
for letter K into this week’s questions. That word was karaoke. On a
scale of 1-10 how excited would you be to find out there was karaoke
happening at your next gathering/outing with friends? 10=gimme that
microphone!, and 1=I suddenly remembered there’s somewhere else I need
to be. I would be excited. #9 for sure! Have you ever actually done karaoke? I have not. I have played Rock Band. I played the Beatles version.We laughed and laughed and laughed. If you had to perform
karaoke what would be your ‘go-to’song? Garth Brooks - Friends in Low Places.
2. How do you listen to music these days? I listen from our I Pad that is plugged into a speaker. Favorite app or do you listen
the old fashioned way? A favorite app. Do you have music playing often in your home? Yes. Is
there still a CD player in your car? Yes.
3. The HP lands on US tax day this year. Or what used to be tax day
before everything including filing your taxes was cancelled, delayed,
postponed or extended. FYI- filing your taxes has not been cancelled,
only delayed for a bit.
Besides staying away from anyone and everyone, what have you found taxing lately?
What is taxing me are the people not taking this serious. Our high school senior son works part time at Farm and Fleet. He has his share of stories during this Stay at Home period, but this past Saturday was "taxing", he came home grumpy. "Mom, why are so many people going out and about? You will not believe how busy the store was today. And people did not buy anything, just dawdle around. The worst of it, a family of five came in, all wearing masks, even the little baby! They asked if we sold movies!"
Stay Home People you are "taxing" Atticus!
4. You’re without power so no oven, and you can’t open your frig or
freezer in order to keep what’s in there from spoiling. And you don’t
have access to take out. What will you make us for dinner?
An Easter Blizzard dumped over 7 inches of snow in our neck of the woods. It is cold, with the lows in the teens and the highs just making the 30's. I would offer to start a camp fire and heat up some beans, but it is too cold for that.
Instead, I will serve the following by candlelight..
Peanut Butter
Mixed Nuts and Dried Fruit
5. I’ve seen this exercise going around Facebook and thought it would
be a good one to include in the HP...what are five things everybody
seems to love and go crazy for that you personally don’t care for?
ALDI Grocery Store
Energy Drinks
Buffalo Wild Wings
6. Insert your own random thought here.
An Easter blizzard was in the forecast. We planned to grill a roast for Easter Sunday dinner. We decided to grill the roast on Saturday. My husband put the roast in the dutch oven on Sunday. We made coleslaw, steak fries and dinner rolls to go along with dinner. For dessert we enjoyed our Easter Cake.