About The River

Friday, January 24, 2025

A Duel with Fear


Someone painted hearts on trees along our river walk.

 Hello Friends, today I am going to share some news with you. Monday, January 13th my husband and I attended our local caucus at our village board meeting, I was nominated to be on the ballot to run as trustee for our village board. We have been attending our local board meetings for a year now. We decided we wanted to know more about what was going on in our village. As we started to know more, we saw that some ideas of change in our village are not going in the direction that we would like. We started to talk about running for trustee in the 2025 election. 

My husband is already the treasure of our local Sportsman's Club. He also is the keeper of the website for the Sportsman's Club. He really did not feel he could add more to his schedule and still have the free time for family, friends and hobbies that he would like.

We talked about me running for the position. I asked him his honest opinion, because he knows me best.  He told me I ask good questions about things that "no one on the board" ask. You are a thinker and you feel passionate about our little village. 

This was all in December. With that I asked my dear friends to pray for my decision.

I met with our village clerk to find out just how do I get on the ballot. I had to be nominated at the caucus, I could nominate myself if I wanted. And I needed a second.

I asked my neighbor Dave if he would be willing to nominate me, he was and he did. He was happy I was running. He said, "Yay, about time we had some representation on the South Side." And my friend Kathy seconded the nomination.

I completed my paper work Friday January, 17th. I am going to be on the ballot. 

I do not know that I will win. I am running against two fellas that are born and raised in our village and they have been on the board F.O.R.E.V.E.R.  I am not born and raised in our village or am I from the county we live in. We are transplants, but we have lived here going on 28 years. We raised a family here and work here in the village. 

Because of my flower business, I am known as The Flower Lady. 

So here it goes... The Flower Lady for Village Trustee.


To duel with fear and walk away champion. 

To remember the last always goes first, the servant before the crown and humbly take my place in line. 

Help me pray the ultimate words of faith... thy will be done.





  1. Ok Flower Lady I am saying a prayer for you to be on the board!!!! I think they would benefit from you. I know with your dedication and sensibility you would do a great job for your little village. You know the saying if we had a PTO women running this country all our problems and finances would be organized and fixed with in a couple of hours lol! I think you will do a great job. Prayers you win. Hugs. Kris

  2. I am so proud of you my friend. I know you will be a good servant of the people if you are elected but also that you will continue to work for your community even if you aren't. That's just who you are. Hugs!

  3. Sounds like change is in the air - hopefully the voters can see this! This is very exciting, Carla.

  4. Oh Carla what a brave and selfless thing to do! I'm not sure whether to hope that you win, or that you don't. All I can say is "Thy will be done" ... the prayer that never fails! I know that if you do win, God will strengthen you to stand firm where that is needed, which is not always easy. I will be praying for you! xoxo

  5. I hope you win!! Now, let us know exactly what the job of trustee duties will be. I can't really think of anyone better than you to do this!

  6. I am happy to hear that you are running and in my opinion you have definitely lived there long enough to have the experience you need to be the Village Trustee. Some new blood in the office can be a good thing. Best of luck!

  7. Good luck! I don't know you beyond our visits in the blogosphere, but I have a feeling you would be a GREAT addition to the board. Cheers!

  8. Dear Carla, God doesn't call the most qualified people to do his work. When God calls you out of your comfort zone and you say yes, you will grow. You are a wise and have integrity and you have good work ethics. Good luck to you. I'm proud of you.
    Hugs, Julia

  9. I wish I still lived in town so I could vote for you! :)

  10. That was a bold move, and I do hope you win Village Trustee, Carla. What better person to handle the job? I love that tree with the red hearts. A tree of love. Thank you for sharing your story, dear friend.


  11. Amazing Carla!! I think you are very courageous and I will keep you in my prayers and send winning vibes your way. Hugs!!

  12. I wish you all the luck on winning. I know you will do a great job for your village. Sometimes a new perspective is what is needed because at times the old crones are only in office for themselves. I see it in the town our business is...but unfortunately because we do not live in that town, we have no say. Janice

  13. That's exciting! I'm rooting for you!

  14. I'm so excited for you and proud of you. I know it's scary to put yourself out there. You are more than qualified for the position. They would be so lucky to have your representing them and your village. Good luck!


High Fives from Wisconsin!