About The River

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year ~ 2025 ~



We have No Snow ... this photo was taken in 2023. All our snow melted during a recent warm spell and rain showers. You have our weather report, on to the Hodgepodge.

Joyce asks the questions.

We answer the questions.

 Click here to join the fun!

 1. Oxford's Word of the year for 2024 is 'brain rot'. Are you familiar with this term? Yes, I am familiar with the term. Do you suffer from the condition? Ha! This is a term used to 'capture concerns about the impact of consuming excessive amounts of low-quality online content, especially on social media'. A goal of mine in 2024 was the use of screen time... I cut a large chunk of my scrolling out. And wondered if I would I miss it, I did a little at first, but not anymore. I am happy with my decision to cut  a big portion of scrolling out of my life. So no "brain rot "for me. If you were choosing a word to capture 2024 (for the nation/world, not your own life personally) what word would you choose? 

I am choosing for the world...  Confused : being disordered or mixed up

 2. It's National Polar Bear Plunge Day (January 1)...will you be participating in one of these events (or even your own)? No Polar Bear Plunge for me. How will you spend the first day of this brand new year? My husband and I started to go on a first day hike with our boys when they were young. It was a tradition that we stuck with and our boys enjoyed. Our boys have left the nest, but we still do a first day hike. Do you have a traditional New Year's Day menu? No.

 3. What's something that brings you joy and how will you do more of it in this new year?  I enjoy taking time to meet up with my special friends. Life can get busy, too busy at times. In 2024 I made it a goal to spend more time with friends. It brought me JOY! I plan to continue to be sure to make TIME for friends.

 4. Do you struggle with the January blues? What's one thing you can/will do to keep them at bay? 

I do not. I do struggle with day after day, after day, after day of grey, gloomy days. We had a lot of them in November and December. We keep our twinkle lights up and light candles to build a cozy atmosphere on these gloomy days.

5. Will you choose your own personal word of the year for 2025? What about a goal, resolution, or maybe even a bucket list? Elaborate as much or as little as you like. 

I will choose a word for 2025. I already have it picked out. I will share it on the blog, as a post sharing why it is my word for 2025.

I have some personal goals I plan to work on in 2025 and some projects.

6. Insert your own random thought here.


Open the front door and the backdoor .. let the old year out and the new year in.

Happy 2025 to you all.






  1. No brain rot or resolutions for me. No snow either. Like you, the rain washed it all away when the temps were in the 50's last week. Happy New Year. Here's hoping it will be a good one. Look forward to hearing about your word for the year. Janice

  2. It's a sunny 50 degree day here so we'll definitely have a walk out in it. We were out so late that we are not moving fast this morning. It might be a late day hike lol. Happy new year! I look forward to reading your word. I have one I'm mulling over so we'll see if it sticks.

  3. Hooray for choosing to spend quality time with your friends in 2024. Enjoy your first hike/walk of the year! Twinkle lights are a special treat in the winter. Fun quote about the old and new year! Happy 2025 to you and yours.

  4. Happy New Year! Best wishes for the year ahead :)

  5. I love your traditional new year hike and that you are still doing it. There’s snow on all the mountains and it’s nice to look at from the valley foothills. I do wish for a freak snow. About every few years it does happen. It shuts down the city and it’s a fun happening.
    Well, all I can say at this point is, let’s do this 2025 and make it an awesome productive year!

  6. Hello sweet friend and Happy New Year. Wishing for good health and lots of happiness in the new year. I usually do not pick goals but try to accomplish things through out the year. Happy Happy New Year. Hugs. Kris

  7. I definitely need to try less screen time. That's a good word you picked for 2024. Hope you have a great hike today. I need to spend more time with friends. Leaving bowling changed my life. I like what you create on gloomy days. I still need to choose a word. Happy New Year! May God Bless you and your family.

  8. Hi! I enjoyed reading your blog answers. I especially love the quote at the end. Happy New Year!

  9. Happy New Year to you!
    I used to get the January blues when we lived in Oregon. This winter has already been rather dreary and wet (no snow here either) but I do have ways now to combat the blues

  10. I love the tradition of the first day hike! However, we decided not to go for our hike today and are staying inside where it's warm and cozy instead. Happy New Year!!

  11. Your hike tradition for the new year is wonderful, Carla. Oh, and I love what you said about the front door and the back door. It has such special meaning, doesn't it? I look forward to hearing your new word. Happy New Year to you, my dear and special friend.


  12. I like that photograph.
    Sending good wishes across the miles for a Happy New Year to you and your family.

    All the best Jan

  13. My New Year resolution is to surrender all my problems to Jesus and let him take care of everything.
    All our snow is also gone and it's raining. My new word for 2025 is "LESS"
    Happy New Year.

  14. Happy New Year!! I actually picked a word for myself this year during a New Year's Day yoga mala class (108 sun salutations). Connections is my word. I hope you had a lovely NYE and fun with the family at Christmas time. We had snow on Christmas Eve but it's long gone. It was pretty though!

  15. Happy New Year, Carla! I like your thought at the end. Time for the "new" things. I'm sure some things will be difficult, but here's to hoping that, overall, it will be a good year for both of us. :)

  16. Happy New Year, Carla!! I love the front door, back door saying. I've heard it before, but always forget to do it. Maybe we'll try it tomorrow...and hope it's not too late to say goodbye and hello! xo

  17. I like the idea of the first day hike though here it will 98% of the time mean it's really wet, and I would not enjoy that at all. I agree with wanting to make time for friends.


High Fives from Wisconsin!