About The River

Monday, January 6, 2025

Continue ~ 2025 Word of the Year



Hello Friends, my husband encouraged me to choose a word of the year in 2022.

2022 I chose, SUNSHINE. I wanted to make it a goal to spread sunshine. To be a source of cheer and happiness.

2023 I chose, TRUTH. There was so much happening in our nation, world, and there still is.  I wanted to be careful of what I took in as truth. I wanted to be slow to jump on the bandwagon, be sure to find facts if I could and navigate my own decision on the current event.  

2024 I chose, COURAGE. I had a scare with my neighbors boyfriend in the summer of 2023, which left me shaky and not trusting of anyone. It took time to heal from the situation. I needed to concentrate on having courage. 

2025 I will be choosing, CONTINUE. I will continue to spread sunshine, seek truth, and step out in our big world with courage.

I will continue to be grateful. 

I will continue to hit pause and enjoy the little things.

I will continue to strive to reach goals and accomplishments.

I will continue to smile more.




  1. Ah, good word (and philosophy!) choice. :) Happy New Year!

  2. What a brilliant wonderful word of the year Carla. This is the best 2025 word of the year I have heard about. I might have to secretly steal your mantra and keep it to myself. Hope you have a great week. Janice

  3. Great words to live by and I love your word of continue being all those things. Happy New Year. Let's pray for peace, more kindness and tolerance in this world. Hugs. Kris

  4. It all makes sense, Carla and to combine them all together is brilliant. It’s going to be an awesome year for you.

  5. Good word choice. These weeds, (they ARE weeds?), look like furry caterpillars.

  6. I like the word and the way it ties in with years past. Looking forward to continuing reading here : )

  7. Good choice. I think my word is going to be health... haven't written about it yet.

  8. I like your word and how it goes well with your other words of the year. Continuing to smile more is a great goal. That should be something I strive for...

  9. That is a wonderful word. Yes, continue to spread your sunshine to us.

  10. What a beautiful way to ring in the new year! I think I want to do the same. I started so many projects and dreamt up so many things last year, now I want to actually make it happen! Starting with my kitchen cabinet painting haha.

  11. Oh Carla, this is the most wonderful word, and it carries special meaning in the word too. It can mean many different things to many people. Love this picture that you shared too! It's sweet of your husband to encourage you to choose a word for the new year.


  12. I really love this word for you this year. You are brave and you are ready to soldier on! I'm proud of you!

  13. Good word and thoughts around it.

    All the best Jan

  14. It's a perfect word, Carla...and yes, I hope you continue to smile your big beautiful smile all year long, my friend. xo


High Fives from Wisconsin!