About The River

Friday, January 31, 2025

Negative 25


Washed up chair on the shores of Lake Superior, frozen in the sand.

Hello Friends, 

It is true Tuesday, January 21 we woke up to Negative 25 degrees. 

One wonders how on earth does anything survive in such cold.

We do! 

I find it amazing, that while our homes crack from the cold, we are tucked cozy under a blanket with the fireplace keeping us warm. I find it amazing that our cars start. Yes, our car groans at first.. but soon it is running and the heater is on full blast. I head out to walk Ernie our dog, bundled up we go, for a short walk just to get his neighborhood investigating done and do his morning business.

We go to work, we go to school, the mail is delivered, all the while the wind chill is NEGATIVE 35 degrees. 

We keep er moving! 

When you start to think about it, you cannot help to smile and say to yourself, "we can do this, we just survived negative 25!"




  1. I can't even imagine how cold that is! Once it is below freezing, I've lost all temperature gauges in me. Stay warm up there!

  2. You guys are tough up there! Here it's like a natural disaster if the temps are anywhere near zero (and we aren't in the south!). I was reading one of Jordan Peterson's books recently and he described some bone chilling cold Albertan mornings. Gives me the shivers and thankful for the warm blankets (yup, there are two) covering my legs this cold (but could be much, much worse...) Friday morning.

  3. Ohhhhh my that is soooo cold. We have been hitting in the 50's down here. Rainy but above average temps. It is going to get cold again we all know that but we will take these above average days. Keep warm by the fireside. Ha ha about the chair I probably would have tried to save it and re love it lol! Hugs and Happy Friday Kris

  4. I totally understand about living in negative temps...we can do it and we did :)

  5. oh my goodness! The wind chill was negative 35?!? I cannot even imagine. When you take the dog for a walk, do you have to put a coat and boots on the dog? Do you have to make sure every tiny square of skin is fully covered? Sorry for so many questions.

  6. I've lived in parts of the country and endured cold weather but it would be hard to go back. I'm soft now! lol But I sure have some memories of surviving the cold and enjoying it! Take care my friend!

  7. Oh what a weird thing to see the chair. Wonder what the story behind that is. I know the temps have been beyond crazy this year. Florida had snow, so did South Carolina....crazy low temps, freezing rain, sleet etc. Nasty winter. I'm counting down til Spring. You're right though we stay warm and cozy indoors and carry on.

  8. Now that's a headline!! A walk, eh? You, my friend, are amazing and so is Ernie. Does he wear little booties? That is definitely not something I would attempt at -25 degrees. I was tucked in all day when the temps were at 12 here and I wore my gloves in the house. I thought THAT was cold! Stay warm!! xo

  9. Wow that’s amazing. That’s how I feel in the summer when our temperatures hit 119. I stepped outside, walked around and came inside! There! I survived 119 degrees. lol. You know we can survive more than we think we can - if we believe we can’t, we won’t. I like to be positive and push myself.

  10. Oh my gosh, Carla, you had negative 25! You are what I call a robust woman to survive this weather and especially be positive through it all. I went in my car on Wednesday, and it was 16 degrees, and I wondered if I should be traveling up the mountain, but I did! We just do what we have to do, right? Your pictures always delight me, and that washed up chair is an unusual and fantastic photo. And Yes, our cars, thank God they start for us! Stay warm by the fireplace, Carla. You are a trooper.

    love you, my dear friend.


  11. That is so cold!!! Stay safe. Glad the car is running. Hope your weekend gets warmer.

  12. Holy COW!!!! I don't know how anyone manages to get anything done!! How on earth did you even manage to walk Ernie? And the photo is really a kind of representation of it, someone who just collapsed and fell out of the chair because of freezing to death. At least in my imagination...

  13. Yes, Carla, it's amazing that we can survive in these fridgid temperatures. Thank goodness for having a roof over our head and heat in the house. I think about those homeless people who live in tents. How do they survive?
    I'm starting to look forward to warmer temperatures. As I age, my body gets more stiff with cold temperature.

    Keep warm, while we wait for spring.
    Hugs, Julia

  14. Yikes, I hope it warms up. We have had rain all day...and now it is snowing bad out there. Stay warm my friend. Janice

  15. Brrr -25 or -35 with the wind chill is TOOO cold! We had minus temps (but not that low) when we visited our kids in Vermont at Thanksgiving and yes the wind chill factor is a killer. I can remember waiting to collect Rory from the school bus one afternoon. I had thermal socks, warm boots, warm clothes, an appropriate coat, hat, scarves, gloves - the works and I was only waiting about 10 minutes but I was sooo cold. I live in hope though that the brutal winters will ensure they do return to the UK eventually though. Stay warm Carla.

  16. That is beyond cold! I have to admit...I don't know how you do it. But I suppose life continues. I just know my spirit and my "want to" would be frozen solid!! Keep that fire going!

  17. Carla! I wonder if I would survive. :) I nearly froze to death here last week when it got down to 17 degrees. That would probably seem warm to you. :) Love you!

  18. I know! It makes "normal" winter weather seem so much easier. I'm worried--thinking about plants that may have perished this winter, especially with the lack of snow here in Madison. Fingers crossed.

  19. I simply can not imagine having that kind of cold and negative temps at that. How long do these temps last? I like the photo of the washed up chair and the footprints beside it. Come August I need to remember "I can do this!" with the 110 degree temps and major humidity. I sure admire you for hanging in there and even taking the dog out for a walk. Y'all stay warm and stay near that fireplace.

  20. You forgot to start the post by saying WELCOME TO WISCONSIN....land of frigid temps, brats and beer. lol. We have had the coldest of cold days and broke records with high temp days in January. It's a crazy world.
    What? You didn't want to take that chair home and repurpose it? Do you suppose someone was sitting on that fishing and got washed overboard? lol. You know how my mind runs...xo Diana

  21. Brr that is cold. We are a resilient bunch.

  22. Oh my goodness! That sounds so crazy cold. I don't think I've seen frozen sand. I'm so glad it's warmed up a little here, it makes such a difference in my mood!

  23. We lived in a Chicago area town in 1980s for a bit over a year. We survived -25F. Hubby and one son actually went to church that Sunday morning.


High Fives from Wisconsin!