About The River

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Winter Memories Hodgepodge


Hello Friends, it is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Hodgepodge.
Joyce asks the questions.
We answer the questions.
 1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)? 
I am going to go back to my childhood days. My sister, me and our friends Alex and Arthur would build snow forts together. We would play after school into the dark. It was fun times. We would play "the Russians are coming" and we would roll into the safety of our snow fort. We played for hours... and did not seem to get cold. Ha!

 2. Tell us about the last time or a recent time you were caught up in red tape. Does it send your frustration level off the charts or is it something you've come to expect when dealing with any sort of bureaucracy?
I have come to expect it with any sort of bureaucracy. 
The DMV is rather S.L.O.W. here in Wisconsin... how about in your neck of the woods?
3. Do you eat/like fish? Do you cook fish at home? What's your favorite fish dish? Ever been ice fishing?  
I am sharing some memories. 
Yes, we are an ice fishing family. 
The photos below are of our boys and me... enjoying a day of ice fishing inside a warm ice shanty. A shanty is a also called an ice house. It is like a little camper you set up on the ice. And some ice houses can get fancy.

 Yes, we like to eat fish. My husband makes a great fish fry. 
 4. Did you watch any of the US President's Inauguration coverage on Monday, Jan 20? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being not at all and 10 being very very) how interested are you in politics in general? Do you follow/keep up with/ get involved with local politics? 
Yes, I did watch some of the US President's Inauguration.
I think I might be an 8 ... I keep a good eye on things. We have a son in the military. I know that during Sam's deployments I pay more attention to all things going on.
Do you follow/keep up with/ get involved with local politics?
I had to laugh that Joyce had this as a question, because I plan to write a post about this subject. I attended our local village caucus last Monday night. I will be on the ballot for our spring election. I am running to become a trustee on our village board.
 5. What's the coziest thing you own and what makes it so? 
My winter coat. I love my winter coat. It is from Duluth Trading Company. It breaks the cold winter winds from getting to my bones.
6. Insert your own random thought here. 
We went for a walk along the river Friday, before the cold snap hit us. Canadian geese were flying to the open water on the river. There were hundreds of them. 



  1. Would love to know more about your ice shanty. Was it really warm? How much fish did you catch? I hope you become a trustee! Good luck with the election. You'll have to let us know how it goes! Stay warm, whether in your shanty or in your home :).

  2. Ha Ha Little Ernie has the right attitude to just stay under the blanket. Let's hope by the weekend we will begin to warm up. Have a good week. Hugs. Kris

  3. Love that picture of Ernie - he definitely has the right idea. Good luck with becoming a trustee. I'm sure you'll be excellent.

  4. I had no idea there are ice fishing houses! Everything I see on T.V. just shows people all sitting on stools around a big hole in the ice. This is very cool!

  5. I think you win the fish question! You like fish and you ice fish! Fun ice shanty photos. Your winter coat sounds perfect. Hope you win the election.

  6. Like your answer for #1. We never built a fort. I have to renew my license in October. Those pictures from ice fishing are wonderful. Glad you watched President Donald Trump. Yes, I too would definitely pay attention if my son was in the military. Wow, you are definitely getting involved. Duluth is a nice company. Love your random. Take care.

  7. Carla that’s wonderful you’re getting involved in your village politics. I don know understand why so many are adamant about not caring about what the local politics. It’s where our children go to school - School boards are so important. These people have control over what the children learn yet so many could care less until something happens. It’s that kind of complacency I have a hard time with! Local politics is the closest to “ we the people” and then moved up from there. Yeah I don’t get that.
    I applaud you!

  8. I'm also curious about the temperature in the ice house? I think it would be a fun thing to try. An election! How exciting! I hope you win...keep us posted!

  9. Hope you win the election Carla. Ernie is so darn cute wrapped in his blanket. Some dogs have the life. Unfortunately for others, they dont. Here in Detroit, some heartless owners did bring their dogs inside. Animal control was going around and even found some frozen to death and some with their ears frozen to the ground. So sad that people could treat their dogs like this. Those owners should be left outside in my opinion. I taped the inauguration and am watching it at night now. Am liking what President Trump is doing so far. Bringing common sense back. Also am hoping he brings back the military to the glory it should be. All those serving need respect and our thoughts and prayers for serving to protect us. Janice

  10. Oh my....how fun ice fishing must be. I love knowing that I have a friend who actually does ice fish!! lol. It is very important when we have sons/grandsons in the military, to keep up with what is going on and who their "Boss" is. Please thank your son for his service. Stay warm Carla and post more fishing pictures. big hugs to you...

  11. Ahh! I remember the days of being out in the snow and not feeling the cold. Those were the good old days! hehehe
    I think I would be a fan of ice fishing if I had somewhere warm to hang out.

  12. That is amazing that you ice fish. I honestly thought everyone would answer this question with a no. I love the variety....and you guys look like you are actually enjoying it - ha! I am a summer girl...but I do remember playing in the snow as a kid and doing so for hours and the cold never bothered me. Well, not too much:)

  13. I have never been ice fishing - brrr!! You took the pictures BEFORE the cold spell . . .is that not ice? Cold spell must mean REALLY cold where you live. Hope you win your election!!

  14. Oh my goodness, Ernie is just too cute! I don't like the cold, but I love fishing and have always wanted to try ice fishing. It's just looks like a ton of fun!!

  15. BRRRRR I know you've been cold up there and I have thought of you! I love a good fish fry but it's been so many years since I had the opportunity to enjoy one, I don't even remember. My papaw used to fry up brim that he had caught himself on his trotlines, and it was one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted, but he went to heaven in 1994 and no one in my life can duplicate that. I was forced to both fish and clean the catches as a child, and so fishing holds no allure for me, hahaha! Ernie is SO DARLING I just want to kiss him and hold him! Happy New Year! xoxo

  16. I think I need to get down to the water today. It's been too long for me and I want to see how it looks in this cold weather. I'm hoping for more melting today and we are supposed to hit 40º! I like fish but rarely cook it at home. That ice fishing house looks so cozy!


High Fives from Wisconsin!