About The River

Monday, January 27, 2025





Winter is the slow - down. Winter is the search for self. Winter gives the silence you need to listen. Winter goes gray so you can see your own colors.

Terri Guillemets



  1. So true. I am happy this month will be over this week. On to one more very cold month of February and then hopefully downhill slide to Spring in March. I am looking forward to the thaw! Have a great week my friend. Hugs. Kris

  2. Carla, these are the prettiest pictures of the lake. And I love that quote. It sure is true, isn't it?

    Have a wonderful week, dear friend.


  3. Cold but clear. That's pretty. I as a rule dislike January but as the years go by, I find that I dislike it less and less. I stay indoors as a rule, wearing comfies, and I do enjoy wearing winter layers when I finally emerge to go somewhere, hahaha! In other news, the reflection of tree branches on water is always so charming. Happy week! xoxo

  4. That’s a positive prospective on winter. 🥶

  5. I love this post Carla. We all need to enjoy the Winter as it speaks to us to slow down...focus.. Happy Monday...

  6. Winter is the gray so you can see your own colors...I love that. Happy Monday!!

  7. I like the quote, and your photos illustrate it well.

  8. That is a lovely saying and I love the photos. Have a good week.

  9. Great quote and very pretty picture! I am enjoying January, what can I saw?

  10. Say, not saw (I "saw" the mistake right after I clicked the button. Oops!)

  11. Your pictures are beautiful. It looks so quiet and still there...and very cold.

  12. That is a good quote. I like it in theory but our winter has been go go go. Haven't had much time for slowing down.

  13. This is beautiful and I love the quote. I wish I could love winter!

  14. Well said. I'll try to think of winter that way. ;-)

  15. I agree. Winter is a special season of the year for that reason - a time to ponder, rest, and plan... for spring when busy starts all over again. I need winter to recharge after the business of spring, summer and fall. Love your photo and thoughts!


High Fives from Wisconsin!